Fri 23 Jan 2015 - Sat 07 Mar 2015 | Gallery open from 10am - 5.30pm daily (excluding Sundays) | Free | Phoenix Gallery Exeter
PIGDOGANDMONKEYFESTOS is an exhibition curated by Shaun Doyle & Mally Mallinson, exploring contemporary artists’ manifestos and works inspired by the manifesto format.
‘Racing around a fireball is a blob of filth on which ladies stockings are sold and Gauguins prized, truly a most deplorable business…’
Aid and Abet | Larry Achiampong & David Blandy | ASP | BAZ | Mark Beasley | Mathieu Beausejour | Shane Bradford | Kerry Campbell | Billy Childish & Harry Adams | Ami Clarke | Leigh Clarke | Common Culture | Leslie Deere | Arnaud Desjardin | Doyle & Mallinson | Benedict Drew | Patti Ellis | Plastique Fantastique | Laura Oldfield Ford | Anna Francis | Simon Fujiwara | Andrew Gilbert | Kenneth Graham | Oona Grimes | S Mark Gubb | Lucy Harrison | Emma Hart | Emma Holmes | Stewart Home | Kevin Hunt | kennardphillips | Dean Kenning | Peter Lamb | Abigail Lane | Cedar Lewisohn | Sarah Lucas | Dominic from Luton | Jenny Moore | Harriet Murray | Richard Paul | Mark Pearson | The Cult of Rammellzee | Clunie Reid | Tanja Ritterbex | Katie Schwab | Anna Chrystal Stephens | Melanie Stidolph & Max Catterall | Neil Taylor | Pat Rock | Jennet Thomas | Sarah Thorley | Jessica Voorsanger | Vulpes Vulpes | Alice Walton | Frank Wasser
Preview Night performance: Thurs 22 Jan, 7.30pm, free
Biters: David Blandy & Larry Achiampong
Building on solo projects that explore both artists’ interests in popular culture and the post-colonial position, Biters presents new collages that combine lyrics and sounds that draw from each artist’s identity and musical heritage, while posing the question, what does Authenticity mean in the information age? David Blandy and Larry Achiampong will (re)perform live in an evening of sampled samples, regurgitated rhymes and deconstructed soul. Find out more HERE
Manifesto Letterpress Workshop, Sat 28 Feb, various times, £10
Bring an idea for your own personal or artistic manifesto and commit it to print in this fun and experimental poster-making workshop led by Double Elephant Print Workshop. Book here >>
Curators’ Talk: Sat 7 Mar, 2.30pm, free
Shaun Doyle & Mally Mallinson will discuss the themes and background to the exhibition and how it relates to their own collaborative practice.
MAP for Exeter Phoenix Gallery
PIGDOGANDMONKEYFESTOS was previously staged at Airspace Gallery, Stoke-on-Trent