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Emotional Supply Chains, Zabludowicz Collection, London

Emotional Supply Chains

24 March–17 July

Emotional Supply Chains, a new exhibition addressing the construction of identity in the digital age. Featuring 16 leading international artists and including six new commissions, all works are drawn from the Zabludowicz Collection and produced since the year 2000.

Still from 'Child of the Atom', David Blandy, 2010

Still from 'Child of the Atom', David Blandy, 2010

Exhibited artists include: Korakrit Arunanondchai (TH), Neil Beloufa (FR), David Blandy (UK), David Raymond Conroy (UK), Andrea Crespo (US), Simon Denny (NZ), Aleksandra Domanović(YU), Ed Fornieles (UK), Guan Xiao (CHN), Eloise Hawser (UK), Ann Hirsch (US), Pierre Huyghe (FR), Daniel Keller (US), Seth Price (US), Frances Stark (US), Christopher Kulendran Thomas (UK).

Installation View: David Blandy, 'Child of the Atom', Zabludowicz Collection, London, 2016Photo Credit: David Bebber

Installation View: David Blandy, 'Child of the Atom', Zabludowicz Collection, London, 2016

Photo Credit: David Bebber

Emotional Supply Chains is curated by Paul Luckraft, Curator: Exhibitions, Zabludowicz Collection.

Zabludowicz Collection

Review in Postmatter

Review in Time Out London