Curated by Damien Roach
20th June – 18th July 2020
Real Time is a hybrid, multi-platform project reflecting on time and the present – a deep breath, a slowing down, a taking stock.
Rejecting the anxiety-inducing FOMO of the current livestream drive, Real Time is a slowly unfolding project engaged with a mode of deceleration, instead of ramping up the feeling of ‘constant now’ we so desperately need to leave behind. Consisting of contributions from artists, designers, writers and musicians, this exhibition takes place across various spaces, from gallery website, to radio, social media, playlists, PDF publication and email. Taken as nodes in an organic, reactive network, the constituent parts will collide, overlap, bounce off of each other and the outside world to create refracting frictions and possibly, hopefully, portals for a slow, contemplative meditation.
At its core, Real Time offers an optimistic, progressive vision of art and its reception. The project advocates a change of pace, reversing the trend of an increasingly accelerated response to the now, exploring alternative models of being and comprehension, through the elusiveness of the present.
Please note that this exhibition takes place online across a variety of platforms. Works will be released slowly over the duration of the show.
Alexander Tucker
Ami Clarke
Anil Bawa-Cavia
Anja Kaiser + Jonas Holfeld
Anna Barriball
Anne Hardy
Armando Andrade Tudela
Bronze x Jai Paul
Boyle Family
Burkhard Meltzer
Caterina Riva
Catherine Wood
Cédric Fauq
Cerith Wyn Evans
Chris Ware
Christopher Orr
Dan Holdsworth
Dan Snaith (Caribou)
David Blandy
David Raymond Conroy
David Wightman
Eddie Peake
Eleni Ikoniadou
Eloise Calandre
Emily LaBarge
Francesca Gavin
Francesco Pedraglio
Gareth Bell-Jones
Geoff Henman
Gilbert & George
Gordon Cheung
Graham Crowley
Hannah Barton
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Haris Epaminonda
Hatis Noit
Hiraki Sawa
Hisham Bharoocha
Hito Steyerl
Isabel Mallet
Isabella Maidment
Jamie Shovlin
Jane Pollard & Iain Forsyth
Jeanine Woollard
Johnny de Philo
Jordan Wolfson
Juha van ’t Zelfde
Larry Achiampong & David Blandy
Laura Mulvey
Lawrence Lek
Lawrence Weiner
Lee Gamble
Liam Gillick
Lisa Oppenheim
Lucinda Chua
Martin Holman
Matt Calderwood
Mica Levi
Michael Oswell
Nabil Ahmed
Nathan Witt
Neil Farber & Michael Dumontier
Nick Luscombe
Nigel Cooke
Pamela M Lee
Paul Kneale
Ram Dass & Justin Boreta
Rosalind Nashashibi
Saskia Olde-Wolbers
Shezad Dawood
Simon Denny & Matt Goerzen
Simon Dybbroe-Møller
Simon Parris
Stephen Willats
Sung Tieu
Tauba Auerbach
Tonje Thilesen
Wade Wallerstein
William Daniels
Yuri Pattison