The Art of Machinima
Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway
Thursday 11.05.23 / hr. 18:00-19:40 / Tickets
Film program and Q&A in collaboration with Oberhausen Short Film Festival
Machinima is an innovative and ever-changing form of filmmaking where video games or game engines are employed to create animated movies and other forms of visual media.
This year's edition of the Oberhausen Short Film Festival in Germany presented Against Gravity. The Art of Machinima, an extensive program curated by Vladimir Nadein and Dmitry Frolov that delved into some of the most compelling aspects of Machinima.
In collaboration with the festival, we hereby present its first section, Hold the Controller, a program that examines how filmmakers address questions regarding the relationship between the body, identity and the game apparatus.
With an introduction and Q&A with Vladimir Nadein and Dmitry Frolov.
How to Fly | 2020, 7 min | David Blandy
A Woman on the Internet (or, The Eternal Scream) | 2021, 22 min | Jamie Janković
Dance, Voldo, Dance | 2002, 4 min | Chris Brandt
My own Landscapes | 2020, 19 min | Antoine Chapon
Resonant Flesh | 2018, 8 min | Kara Güt and Justin Majetich
but i wanna keep my head above water | 2022, 10 min | Federica Di Pietrantonio
We are such things as dreams are made on | 2021, 10 min | Sam Crane