Palace Projects is an artwork by Darren Banks re-contextualizing the UK Palace Pictures company who were the leading British producer and distributor of film on VHS throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Palace Projects looks at Palace horror films in a wider context through artwork, writing, filmmaking and curating.
Images above from top clockwise: David Blandy, Princess Osu, Lachlan Rattray
The ‘Annotated Palace Collection’ (APC) is comprised of two bodies of creative work. Firstly 15 writers have written short texts in response to each film. Secondly 15 artists have been invited to create posters for each of the film titles, based on the supposedly blind-design method of Ghanaian cinema posters. The texts and images will be brought together in a small publication in 2014.
In the 1980s, Ghanaian artists created film posters to promote screenings of films distributed on VHS. It is possible that the artists had never seen, or knew little about, the films when they made their posters.
Artists: Lady Lucy, Evil Dead 2; Tim Greaves, Night Of The Living Dead; Lachlann Rattray, The Hills Have Eyes; John Russell, Terror In The Aisles; MichelleHannah, Basket Case; Jamie Shovlin, Brain Damage; Sophia Crilly, Santa Sangre; Flora Whiteley, Night Of The Demons; Laura Lancaster, Creepers; David Blandy, Carnival Of Souls; Ian Gonczarow, Trick Or Treat, Graham Dolphin, Vampire At Midnight; Simon Woolham, Edge of Insanity; Lyndsay Mann, Dream Demon; Ruth A Edwards, Evil Dead.