Out of Nothing
By Daniel Locke with David Blandy, including an introduction by Dr Adam Rutherford
Published by Nobrow, available to order at your local book shop or Amazon.
Round Table Discussion
Wednesday 6th December, 7-8.30pm
Venue: THECUBE, Shoreditch, London
Join, Daniel Locke, David Blandy and BBC’s Adam Rutherford, the creative team behind our new epic, graphic novel Out of Nothing as they discuss their collaborative partnership, the formation of the solar system, the death of the last star in the universe and the invention of Hip-Hop.
This is the story of us, a story created Ex Nihilo, from the Big Bang to an imagined future, encompassing thousands of years of science and storytelling and art, so that we might know who we are...
Surreal sequences take us from Gutenberg’s printing press to Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web, via Picasso, Einstein, DJ Kool Herc and more.
Locke and Blandy show how our unique 'Dreaming minds' and basic instinct to observe, record, and connect have been the catalyst for all progress and discovery, in this incredible millennia-spanning graphic novel.
11th November, The Cube London
Join graphic novelist Daniel Locke on 11th November at THECUBE London, 2pm- 4pm for a family centred afternoon of drawing and fun. This comicbook art workshop is inspired by the new book from Nobrow Press, ‘Out of Nothing’. The books author Daniel Locke will introduce you and your kids to experimental drawing processes and a whole bunch of fun drawing games. The theme of the workshop is: life, the universe and everything!
Get your family together and join us and the incredible Daniel Locke for an afternoon exploring science, technology, art and comic book fun!
14th November, The Cube London
Private View & Launch of Out of Nothing: 6:30pm
Dr Adam Rutherford, Daniel Locke & David Blandy
Daniel Locke is an artist and graphic novelist based in Brighton, UK. Since 2013 much of his work has been informed and shaped by the discoveries of contemporary science. He's worked with Nobrow, Arts Council England, The Wellcome Trust and The National Trust. He is the co-writer and artist of Out of Nothing.
David Blandy is an artist who works with the image in the digital world; from Youtube tutorials to music videos, television to anime, constantly highlighting our relationship with popular culture and investigating what makes us who we are. He co-wrote Out of Nothing with Daniel Locke.
Dr. Adam Rutherford is a science writer and broadcaster. He is the presenter of BBC Radio 4's flagship science program, Inside Science, and has covered MMR and autism, the inheritance of intelligence, human evolution, science and cinema, scientific fraud and the evolution of sex. He is the science consultant for Out of Nothing.